Tuesday, March 10, 2015

My digital empire

Since the beginning of the internet revolution I have had my hand in cyber space in many forms. For years calebstorms.com was a thing. It was a very confusing site because it had my mystical stuff, my photography and my music all on one site. Over the years I have learned to focus my sites a little better. Because of this it is sometimes hard to keep up with all the madness that I am involved in. So I decided I would make this post as a kind of map of my digital empire. 

The Photo-Monk Project: http://photo-monk.com/
This is my photography site and actually is my main site at the moment, here I have a almost daily blog about photography, philosophy and adventure. You can buy my photos, books and posters here. All those links will be in this blog post as well.

My Books: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/Calebstorms
I have done two photography books and one mystical book. I am currently working on three children's books with various illustrators. So they may show up here as well. So if you looking for a unique gift this may be it!

Posters: http://www.zazzle.com/photomonk
I did some kinda Zen/Motivational posters after I released my first book, this is where I keep these, so again these can make some nifty gifts and such.

Photo-Monk Swag: http://www.cafepress.com/photomonk
I did some Photo-Monk walks and workshops and so made some swag for them, I plan on doing some more of these, but so look out for those. The swag is up on the old interwebs for anyone to grab. Go on and get ya sum.

My Youtube Channel:
I started a YouTube channel not to long ago about my mystical practices. I used social networking sites to find out what people would want to hear me rant about. So once a week I put together a short video about a certain topic. I like to open them with a little fun, so they are worth watching just for my antics.

How I Wasted My Genius: http://wasted-genius.blogspot.com/
That is this blog that you are looking at. It started off as an autobiography, but I quickly lost interest because I think my life is pretty boring. So now it is my catch all blog, anything I want to blog about that isn't directly related to the Photo-Monk Project goes here. So it isn't updated often, but still can be fun to check out.

Letters to My Son: http://calebstorms.blogspot.com/ This is a very personal blog that I keep up for the hopes that my little Buddha may read it. I love you very much buddy. I don't update it often in fact not since 2013. But I will when I feel moved to do so.

The Temple of the Black Sun: http://niger-sol.org/
This is an organization that I founded and still kinda run, although, I don't think I'm the leading type, so I more oversee it. It is a mystical organization so not for everyone, but interesting to some.

Temple Swag: http://www.cafepress.com/blacksunswag11
The temple has a really cool symbol that represents it, so I slapped it on some stuff that you may want to own cause it is really cool. Here ya go ya'll.

Well, I think that is all I have out there for now. So please explore my digital empire!

Caleb Storms

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