Over the last couple of weeks, maybe longer I have been feeling that I was ready to change gears and find a new way to express my spiritual aspirations. As many of you know the Photo-Monk Project was my effort to fit into the world while still maintaining a quasi monastic existence. I furthered this effort with such projects as the Art Ashram and more lately "This Precious Human Life" Project. All of these things gave me a sense of fitting but it wasn't quite it. I realize now that I was trying to make what I love support me so I could do what I really really love. I mean I love photography and art, but I really really love my spiritual path and teaching. Since however I don't feel comfortable making my money from my spiritual life and I don't feel comfortable charging for what has been freely given to me, I had to always find a way to include it but not profit from it. This is a very challenging thing.
So when I ask myself what I really want to do, the answer is always the same, and has been the same for a very very very long time. I want to practice the Dharma, help people and teach when I can. I basically want to be a monk. However my teacher has very kindly told me that my talents are better used in helping westerners better understand the Dharma. So I have been trying for the longest time to figure out how that could work. Furthermore how that could sustain me as I begin the second half of my life. So I was hit with an idea, but that is not new, I have all kinds of ideas. This one however seemed so sane it frightened me at first.
I want to open a B&B or even an Inn, but Inn sounds so overwhelming. I know everyone wants to retire and open a B&B, that is the part that gets me. I am not used to traveling heavily walked paths. Anyway, I want to open "Ananda's House". Who is Ananda? Ananda was a disciple of the Buddha, some say his best friend. He was responsible for preserving the teachings of the Buddha. So he is also known as the Dharma's protector. Ananda in Sanskrit means "bliss". I chose that name because it will be more than a B&B. It will be a retreat center and venue for other Dharma activities. It will honer all Buddhist traditions and will be open to all. Since my practice is primarily in the Tibetan tradition, and that is what I will know, it will most likely have that feel. I want however people from all traditions to feel comfortable coming and so will invite masters and teachers from all traditions to come and share in free public talks and workshops.
The beauty of a B&B is that is were I can make the money and support it. Practitioners can come and stay in a place with a shrine room, I can't tell you how wonderful that would have been when I was traveling! Further more, people can come and do retreats there on their own or in groups. I can't think of a better way to both serve the greater Sangha and support myself. It would basically be my own little monastery. Of course any and all visiting monks stay for free, because, well the're monks.
I have decided that I want this place to be a little outside of Atlanta, so there is access to the city but not the noise and such. A proper retreat you know. I think Newnan would be perfect for it. I love the small town southern town vibe to it. Plus you can score a huge old house for not much. The house in this picture is for sale for around 600,000 and has a separate small workshop type building that would actually be perfect for my little monk room. I wouldn't mind having a big house that was dedicated to the Dharma, it would pay proper respect to it. But I wouldn't want a big ol' house for me to live in, that seems crazy. This house has the southern charm, the room and the location that would be perfect. That is if I was dreaming the perfect dream. I of course would happy with anything with a couple rooms to start off with.
This brings me to my next point, what do I know about running a B&B? Hell, what do I know about running a business? Not much, I can tell you that. So I would want to have a manager to handle that end of it. My role is the vibe, the activities and the vision. I need to be free to do that or it just won't work. So ya, it would be a pricey enterprise and no I have no idea how I could pull it off. I can tell you however that nothing, and I do mean nothing has ever felt so right. It feels like everything I have done before this was so that I could do this.
Imagine this, you walk into a lovely southern house and are greeted by the smell of hand rolled incense and chai. Inside are portraits of Dharma teachers and masters. Great Dharma inspired art all throughout. You have your choice of a Medicine Buddha room, the Avalokitesvara Compassion room, the Quan Yin room, etc... Then you are shown the main shrine room that you can come and do your own personal practice anytime. Then the library where you can sit and study the Dharma. On the wall is a calendar listing the various Dharma activities that take place, all led by different groups, traditions and lineages. The inn will offer this space to any Dharma Group without charge in the spirit of spreading and teaching the Dharma. Then there is me, you humble little inn keeper, your self styled monastic smiling. That is my dream ladies and gentlemen. Who is ready to invest?
Caleb Storms
Karma Tsultrim Tharchen