Those that know me know that I play the lottery every week. So then comes the question "What would a Caleb do with a million or a couple of million bucks?". I mean I still consider myself monkish so I wouldn't want a cold sink or anything like that.
I think that someone like me could do a whole lot of good with a sudden windfall. I mean of course there is the obvious. I would get my house, pay for my school, and set up a retirement fund (that will make my brother and mom happy). Once I get my minimal needs taken care of the real fun begins.
I would love to set up a fund to send all my friends kids to school, or them for that matter if they wanted to go back. Then I would support the Dharma community whenever possible. I have some specific things in mind. I would set up a fund for my teacher's office. This way not only my teacher, but this future rebirths could utilize the money. I would help fund monasteries, like the Little Lamas in Nepal. There is also some great organizations that print and distribute the Dharma for the monasteries that have been forced out of Tibet. I also would love to be able to participate in retreats and such that I haven't really been able to because of limited resources.
This is an interesting time in my life, coming off my Photo-Monk journey and joining the rest of society. I am constantly being reminded of how different my perception is as a result of my Buddhist practice and I am always hearing my friend Bill's voice telling me how important householders are to the tradition. I am starting to understand that more and more each day. So when I numbers hit, I would want to enhance that experience instead of run from it.
P. s. A special thanks to Julie Ford for naming this article.
Caleb Storms
Karma Tsultrim Tharchen